Easy Bakeware

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Beginner's Guide to Coupons #4: CVS

Hands down the biggest money saver for me as I have learned to use coupons over the last year has been the drugstore deals. I never used to shop at CVS or Walgreens. Now, I'm there at least once a week and they are definitely where I get my best deals. Things like toiletries and medicines and cleaning products, that can typically be budget-brakers, end up being cheap, free or moneymakers. Each store runs their deals differently. Let's start with CVS.


CVS has a customer loyalty card called the Extra Care card. If you don't already have one, get one next time you are in CVS. You can begin using it immediately. (Be sure and put down your email when you fill out the form--they will email you coupons.)

This will allow you to earn extra care bucks (which I call ECB's). CVS will run deals where if you buy such-n-such, you will get an ECB printed out with your receipt. This works like cash and can be used on your next purchase.

Things to know about ECB's:
  • Some deals are only Sunday-Tuesday. Be sure to take advantage of these early because after Wednesday no ECB will print.
  • All ECB deals have a limit. That means, with your card, you can only take advantage of earning that ECB a certain amount of times. Most of the times the limit is 1, but sometimes it is more. Read the fine print in the ad, and I will always list the limit with my matchups.
  • They are like cash. You can use as many as you want when making a purchase.
  • ECBs expire in 4 weeks
  • ECB's must be used in conjunction with the extra care card they were printed for. In other words, you cannot give me your ECBs for me to use. If the number on them does not match my card number, it will not be accepted.
So how is it that some items become money-makers? Well, let's say there is a deal on tylenol. It's 3.99, and you get a $3.99 ECB. So you pay $3.99 plus tax, but you get back an ECB for $3.99 to use later. It's cost to you ends up being free, just a little tax. BUT, if you use a $1/1 coupon, you only pay $2.99 (plus tax) , and you still get the $3.99 ECB. So you just made money on that deal! The key is to combine coupons with the ECB deals for great values as well as occasional money-makers.

A couple of tips:
  • Always scan your card at the kiosk at the front of the store (usually by the beauty items and/or flyers--pictures at the top of this post). This will get you store coupons, and these can make for great deals. It's always my first stop.
  • These store coupons can be stacked with manufacturer coupons for good deals. So even if they don't look like a great deal---hang onto them, just in case.
  • If you have a $5/20 purchase, or a similar coupon, use it FIRST. Sometimes, after your other coupons, your purchase would go below the amount, which would make you unable to use it. Use your manufacturer & store coupons next. Then, last, use any ECBs you have toward your purchase.
  • Use my list and the flyer carefully to make sure you are buying the correct item and size to earn the ECB's. Usually it is marked on the shelf, but not always. (You can use the kiosk at the front of the store as a price checker also.)
  • CVS will give you a rain check. Take advantage of this, especially some of the best deals go fast and may not be restocked until after the week is over.
  • Seasoned CVSers have figured out how to break up their purchases into multiple transactions, using ECBs from the first transaction on the second, and so on, so that there out-of-pocket is as low as possible. As impressive as that is to me, I don't always take the time to plan it out like that. But give it a shot and let me know if you can keep your OOP under $5 a week! It can be done! ; )
Mostly, have fun and don't give up! I've had my share of discouraging trips to CVS, where they wouldn't take my coupons, or the price wasn't what I expected, or they were out of what I wanted, or someone was just rude to me because I'm a coupon lady. But hang in there! There are great deals to be had and most of my local cashiers are wonderful. It is worth it--I promise!

Feel free to post any questions!

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