Easy Bakeware

Friday, July 31, 2009

5 coupon inserts this Sunday!!

Seriously---5 inserts! That's alot of coupons and there are some REALLY good ones that go great with recurring deals at Publix and the grocery stores. So NOW is the time to start couponing, if you never have!! Please buy AT LEAST 2 papers, so you have 2 coupons for buy-one-get-one-free deals. But I will get 8-10 papers probably. I buy mine at Walgreens, where they are $0.75!

Also, I will post a beginners guide to the stores, couponing methods, and couponing lingo this weekend, so hopefully that will be helpful to you!

For a full list of this Sunday's coupons go here. (Thank you, For the Mammas!) (Coupons sometimes vary by region, so this is only a guideline.)

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