Easy Bakeware

Monday, July 20, 2009

Welcome to my new blog!

Thanks for stopping by to see my new blog! First and foremost I am a follower of the King and seek to honor Him in all I do. Jesus is the creator of my adventure and my greatest pursuit. He provides daily for me and my family, but I have had to learn to live on less as I order my life around the things that are really of greatest value.

I am all about a bargain, whether it comes to feeding my family, decorating my home, or adding to my wardrobe. I love sharing with others how I save money, and I hope this blog will serve to help someone else with the same goal as I have: to live on less, and have fun while doing it!

I also hope it will serve as an encouragement to others who are looking for a life of adventure and risk. Here's a few highlights of the kinds of posts I plan to include:

Weekly Walgreens & CVS drugstore deals
Weekly Publix deals
Centsable design (decorating on a budget)
Centsable fashion (cute looks for less)
Living the Adventure: thoughts on risky living in everyday life

I will begin with drugstore deals and grocery deals, and begin to add elements as I go along. Please become a follower of my blog or bookmark my site on your favorites list!

I hope you will join me on this adventure! Please post comments and offer your feedback! Thanks for stopping by!

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