Easy Bakeware

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Beginner's Guide to Coupons #1: Introduction

A year ago, I did not use coupons. I mean, well, not on purpose. Sometimes the store would attach a coupon to something I was buying, and then, well, sure, I used it. But I always thought clipping all those coupons looked tedious and time consuming, and I figured I would just try to buy things on sale when I could or just buy the store brand.

But last year that all changed. We have always been on a budget, and one of the biggest line items in our budget (after our mortgage) has been our groceries. Not only that, but I CONSISTENTLY would end up over my budget! I used all kinds of excuses, like...well, hey, we all need to eat!, or...my time is worth the extra money I spend, or (my personal favorite)...for crying out loud, I have four kids who eat like football players! I honestly didn't think there was much I could do, but I decided to give it a shot anyway, and after a couple months, if it didn't work...I would quit.

But it DID work. Not only have I been able to stay within my budget for groceries, but I was even able to LOWER my monthly budget amount! Sometimes I get sloppy/lazy, and spend more than I should. But I know that over all, I have already saved my family thousands of dollars over the course of the last year.

And the thing that surprised me most is that is wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. An adjustment, yes, and definitely more work than doing NOTHING. But so worth it in the end.

So this will be a series on how to begin using coupons to save TONS of money on groceries (and to clarify, I don't just mean food--toiletries, paper products, cleaning products, etc. also included!).

So follow along and post your questions or comments! I'd love to hear from you!

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